Korotkiy Y. The complex system of managing the logistics potential of the enterprise.


  • Ю. В. Короткий Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine




systemic approach, logistics activities, logistics potential, integrated system of logistics potential, structural system


In the article the author offers an integrated system of managing the logistics potential. It is defined as a set of interrelated systems that covers logistics activities of enterprises and its thrust and ensure its effective operation. Considered its four levels and characterized components of said first complex system - structural systems that provide logistics management capabilities: strategic, informational, organizational, intra - industrial, financial - economic, marketing - and sales of logistics risks. Author shows the structural elements that ensure implementation of these systems. The strategic system of managing the logistics potential of the enterprise is defined as an activity that is associated with the production of the goals and objectives of the logistics system to support businesses and the relationship between the company and the environment, which enable the company to achieve its goals, consistent with its internal resource capabilities and can be susceptible to environmental factors. The proposed separation of the factors considered potential impact on logistics machine on controllable and uncontrollable (consumers (their performance, interpersonal influence, decision making, organization, etc.), independent media (print media, television, radio, Internet, etc.), technology (achievement in scientific and technical progress, resource constraints, etc.); enterprise-competitors (competitor strategy, relationships in distribution channels, pricing, etc.), economic situation (growth, inflation, unemployment, etc.), legislation, political situation).

Author Biography

Ю. В. Короткий, Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя



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