Riabtseva O.E. Motivation at enterprises of MMC of Ukraine as a tool to overcome the crisis.


  • О. Є. Рябцева ДВНЗ «Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет», м. Дніпропетровськ, Ukraine




motivation, crisis, mining and metallurgical complex, iron and steel industry, non-material motivation, productivity, wages


In the article the employment rates of mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine are analyzed. The necessity of actions of improving the indicators of enterprises using motivational tools is proved. Comparison of the dynamics of growth of wages per tonne of steel and the index of producer prices in this industry, led to the conclusion that wage growth achieved by significant growth of prices for steel products. To increase the indicators of "natural" productivity is offered by using methods of motivation. Motivation is seen as a skill that is driving factors and conditions, able to induce the employee to activity or cause reluctance to execute predefined actions.
The article analyzes the cost structure leading metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine and noticed extralow level of labor costs and social events. Emphasized that special attention during the crisis must be paid for methods of nonmaterial motivation. The article presents recommendations for motivating workers of mining and metallurgical complex in difficult economic and social conditions. Among the most effective tools of motivation in crisis were called staff awareness about the situation in the enterprise, timely payment of wages, participation of workers in decision making.

Author Biography

О. Є. Рябцева, ДВНЗ «Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет», м. Дніпропетровськ



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