Trokhymets O. The system of organization and prices monitoring for socially oriented products and services


  • О. І. Трохимец Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine



guidelines, consumer market, public authorities, food products.


The analysis of the system of prices monitoring for socially oriented products and services in Ukraine has been conducted. Monitoring is conducted in accordance with the guidelines on monitoring of prices and tariffs in the consumer market. The process of monitoring prices – is an operative research in the areas of prices and tariffs determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for socially important (oriented) goods and services, analysis and study of the dynamics of price processes on commodity markets on the basis of information  and basic primary documents businesses, and does not check their compliance with state discipline prices. The legal aspects of the regulation of monitoring prices and tariffs in the consumer market, including regulations on price control and monitoring consumer prices are shown in the article. In particular, the article stated that the State Inspection for Control Prices is under liquidation and does not carry control functions, so there is a lack of sate control over prices. The organization and monitoring system for socially oriented products is shown in the article. The monitoring system at the regional level (for example, Zaporozhye region), and at the country level has been described and analyzed in details. It is established that there is a need for price controls at the regional level. The basic problems of monitoring of consumer prices are namely the implementation of the public authorities’ analytical and informative function without explaining price fluctuations. The following activities have been proposed: to establish a system of price controls, exchange of experience between regions.

Author Biography

О. І. Трохимец, Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя

к.е.н., доцент


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