Kuchkova O.V, Koliesnikov Ye.V. Theoretical study of the relationship of logistics flows of industrial enterprises
logistics, logistics flow, logistics chain, material flow, financial flow, information flow, service flow, supplyAbstract
Current economic conditions are characterized by significant transformations directed to the transition to the market economy model. At market conditions the enterprise development strategy based market infrastructure and requirements imposed by enterprises and consumers. This approach allows us to fully realize the tasks and goals, promotes effective implementation of accounting and control functions. Therefore, the formation of logistics systems at industrial enterprises is the basis for their effective functioning. This is due to the need to take account the interests of all market infrastructure’s participants by developing effective mechanisms of material, financial, information and service flows.
This research article describes theoretical and methodological bases of formation of logistical flows of industrial enterprises, providing them competitive in the market. In order to ensure the main tasks of industrial enterprises namely production and uninterrupted supply of quality and safe products, there is a need for more full use of advantages of logistics and improving logistics flows. The use of logistics and its constituents caused by the need to develop the mechanism of application modern economic approaches to economic activity of enterprises to save a niche in the market. Optimization of logistics management in industrial enterprises will increase total return logistics chain and receive economic effect.
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