Hadzhinova O. Process approach of the business network performance management.
business association, business network, resources, flow, current assets, performance efficiency and effectivenessAbstract
A business association is a tool of enterprise adaptation to the changing market. It allows using the latest methods of building economic relations, which guarantee the solution of conflict situations, overcoming information uncertainty and managerial inertia. Nowadays the influence of macroeconomic factors on the activities of separate business entities is growing. This situation demands the reorganization of strategy and management system oriented to both internal and external operation parameters. The parameters characterizing external resources and activity should be subject to the influence and require mandatory control. That defines them as a control object within the framework of the business association and interaction of its subjects. The business association takes into consideration the reserves of increasing each participant’s efficiency by means of coordination of business processes, optimization of negotiable assets, synchronization of resource flows and integrated knowledge management.
The article investigates organizational and economic aspects of the mentioned management directions on the basis of process approach and takes into consideration the nature of such organizational form of business subjects’ interaction as business association and employers’ network in particular. The relations between business subjects appearing in business associations provide distribution, movement and use of material and financial resources and can include the exchange of information, knowledge and organizational experience besides regular market transactions. That means realization of formal and informal contracts subordinated to personal and mutual benefit. Organization and security of viability of an open and flexible business association should be provided by the united management centre. This centre should be focused on economic development and alliance management, coordination, determination of strategic competencies, financial functions, technological enhancement, improvement of relations with customers, and on management of resource and information flows uniting the network.
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