Glushachenko S. Management of investment appeal of the enterprises on the basis of credit rating
the credit rating of investment attractiveness, management of investment attractiveness, regression, correlation model.Abstract
The aim of the article is to further develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of investment attractiveness of the enterprise using the tools of its account forecasting abilities. The essence of the rating as an instrument of industrial enterprise is studied, the diversity of economic category "credit rating" is determined and the author's own definition is presented. The essence of the rating as an instrument for managing industrial enterprise determined by the diversity of economic categories "credit rating" and the author's definition given credit rating as a universal tool to assess the creditworthiness of the borrower, the reliability of its debt and the establishment of fees for the respective credit risk.
In the paper a scheme of investment attractiveness is proposed, which includes an information block, the analytical unit and the control unit. In each of the blocks, basic procedures and tasks necessary for the development were implemented and implementation of tools in its enterprise management tasks was shown. Information block performs preparatory function, his main task is accumulation of information on companies that have ratings. As the part of the analysis unit there was designed a correlation-regression model of credit rating companies. In the model proposed indicators of economic activity to combine separate groups that reflect the financial position, the efficiency of its business activities, investment activities, indicators of production processes and the efficient use of labor resources. The control unit is the tool for direct management decisions at the tactical and operational level based on a simulation model of investment attractiveness of enterprises.
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