Shcherbina O. Problems of increasing the efficiency of the municipal electric enterprises


  • О. С. Щербіна Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



the enterprises of urban electric transport, financial-operational activity, ranking performance indicators, problems, features, factors.


The article is devoted to the release of problems and proposed actions to improve the efficiency of the municipal electric companies. While indicating that the rhythmic and smooth operation of passenger electric occupies in the spectrum of life issues of contemporary big city an important place. The article pointed out the legal framework of urban electric transport in Ukraine. For example, transportation services are provided in compliance with requirements such as: consistency (reliability) of traffic on the routes (lines) account in determining the number of passenger rolling stock; establishing speed routes (lines) in compliance with the technical condition of the rolling stock; transportation safety. The article also noted that the management of municipal electric companies has its own peculiarities and differences from the private sector: low profitability; government regulation of pricing; the need for state support; small opportunities and onerous conditions on borrowing. Slow adaptation to market conditions of work and the resulting difficult financial and economic situation of the main problems is called municipal electric companies. The basic factors of low efficiency of the municipal electric companies: unequal conditions of competition in the urban passenger transportation, lobbying stakeholders interests of private carriers; partial compensation for the cost of providing services at subsidized passenger transportation from the state, the uneven subventions for the year; mismatch fares on its cost, the City Council unrecovered difference between economic and tariff setting; critical physical deterioration of the park trams and trolleybuses; the decline in the provision of transport services in the context of stable growth of fixed costs, such as administration costs. The efficiency of the provision of transport, efficiency of passenger security, the efficiency of toll collection, the effectiveness of operational work, the effectiveness of the use of labor resources and the effectiveness of financial and economic activity. Given rating performance indicators of financial and operational activities of municipal electric companies.

Author Biography

О. С. Щербіна, Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця

к. е. н., доцент кафедри інформаційних систем управління


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