Gurova V.А. The Network effects of global innovative co-operation
global innovation system, innovation goods, innovation cycle, innovation wealth, internalization of innovation activity.Abstract
The article is devoted to studying of the network effects of global innovation interaction. It is defined that the network effects of global innovation interaction have such features. For the common innovation goods economy effect on the producing scale acts linearly (not sufficient investments into innovations give not sufficient innovation income – large investments give large innovation income). Innovation effect of producing economy scale for the common innovation products is the result of activity of one large firm which could reach it. Risks of global innovation interaction are endogenous and are distributed between structural departments in such enterprise. And innovation network gives small but numerous producers and consumers (firms – innovators, firms – imitators, mediators, consumers of innovations, network goods) an opportunity to get sufficient increase of innovation utility. Plurality of enterprises is the condition of arising of systematic effect of producing economy scale. One of the features of network innovation goods is distribution of externality, other words global innovation effects when speaking about increasing profitability for consumers: every additional consumer increases utility for other individuals.References
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