Anisimova O., Lavrentieva L. V. Modern trends in economic security of enterprise in Ukraine
curity, economic security, enterprise, national security, state’s economic policy, improvement in the mechanism of economic security.Abstract
The article explored important theories of national safety question determinations of the category economic safety. Define the concept of "economic security" from the point of view of different scientists, and the main purpose of management of economic security. Listed on the link between economic security of business entities and economic development of the state on the background of modern globalization processes of international relations. Presents a number of problems, which are now an impediment to the promotion of economic security of enterprises in Ukraine and its regions and the solution of which must be focused, consistent, and active government economic policy in this area. Detected shortcomings in the efficiency of state regulation of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Ways of further improvement of tax policy in Ukraine in the context of ensuring security in enterprises. Given a number of proposals to improve the financial security of enterprises in Ukraine. Thus, it appears that the changes should be implemented not only at the enterprise level, but also on the part of the state. Focus on the most important factors affecting the economic security of the enterpriseReferences
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