Sierkova H. Management tools of economic development of industrial enterprises.
economic development, industry, management, tools, classificationAbstract
The article is devoted to research of existing methods and tools to manage the enterprise as a whole, as well as their applicability to the problems of economic development management of industrial enterprises. The article made an analysis of existing research, which led to the conclusion that the problem of managing the economic development of the state-level to enterprise-class received considerable attention by scientists both in Ukraine and abroad. The article stated that the skillful use of management tools allows the company to adapt to the conditions of unstable external environment and essentially helps managers to prevent uncertainty and ensuring sustainable development of the whole enterprise and economic development in particular. The article also shows a systematic classification and advanced management tools, the economic development of industrial enterprises, which shows the value of the application for further development of an effective management strategy of economic development of industrial enterprises. Some of the analytical tools referred SWOT-analysis, the matrix BCG, Matrix «McKinsey-GE», the balanced scorecard (BSC), polikriterialny method for diagnosing the development of enterprises, and others. It is also stated that the management of economic development of the enterprises with the use of organizational and analytical tools, both functional and process-structured, it is justified and is effective in the current economic realities. When a functional approach shall be based on the allegation that any organizational structure created to perform tasks. With a structured process-management activities of the company is considered as a set of interacting processes that occur within the organization and thus realize the goalsReferences
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