Logutiva T., Poltoratskiy M. Modern state of a transport infrastructure of Ukraine


  • Т. Г. Логутова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • М. М. Полторацький ТОВ «Метінвест Холдинг», м. Київ, Ukraine




transport, transport industry, railway transport, motor transport, freight transportations.


In the article the concept vehicle of term is considered "transport", his kinds and interpretation of determination a "single transport system of Ukraine" in legislative acts and works of scientists-economists. The dynamics of deposit of a transport industry is presented in GDP of Ukraine, and also the stake of volumes of freight transportations is certain in GDP in 2010 – 2015. The main factors of falling of volumes of transportations to that behave are certain: substantial falling of industrial production volumes because of the state of affairs of foreign markets and decline of volumes of internal consumption by reason of decline of purchasing power. The making elements of a transport process are certain: transport-expeditionary (reception, parking, marking, delivery of load to the representative of ferryman, his short-term storage on intermediate storages, registration of different types of payments, transmission of load from one type of transport to other, delivery of load) and loading and unloading operations (loading of load on transport vehicles, their unloading, fastening, measuring and registration. The structure of freight transportations is illustrated in 2015 it is certain a transport industry of Ukraine, that leaders on transportations it is been railway (350 million tons) and motor-car transport (147,3 million tons). The structure of freight transportations is considered by a railway transport in 2014, in that a most volume is on coal and coke (26%), and manganese iron-stones (23%) and building loads (17%). It is certain that most effective is realization of transportations in the mixed report (a few types of transport), and also an authorial transport chart over of transportations (on the example of transportations of the prepared metallurgical products of «Zaporizhstal» Steel Works on an export) is brought. The economic indicators of activity of a transport industry are presented in 2010 – 2014, that represent the necessity of reformation and updating of going near a management by a transport industry of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Т. Г. Логутова, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

д.е.н., професор, зав. кафедрою інноватики та управління

М. М. Полторацький, ТОВ «Метінвест Холдинг», м. Київ

фінансовий аналітик


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