Golovnya Y. Competitive positioning of regions in the spatial development of Ukraine.


  • Ю. І. Головня Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет, м. Київ, Ukraine




the region's competitiveness, competitive advantages, positioning site, the brand site


The article is devoted to the study of the sources and directions for increasing the competitiveness of Ukraine's regions through the buildup of assets; the characteristics of a region's competitive advantages are laid out. The relationship is proven between the criteria of regions' competitiveness, such as the extent and the type of influence on economic results, the connection to the place of origin, the ability to generate competitive advantages, its factors (economic development level, the region's manufacturing, natural resource and scientific potential, infrastructure, accommodation and labor conditions, institutional environment and the region's level of innovative development) and indicators. The regions' level of social and economical development has been integrally assessed in 6 areas of activity: economic efficiency, investment development and foreign economic cooperation, financial self-sufficiency, labor market efficiency, infrastructure development, renewable energy and energy efficiency; the causes for certain regions' losing competitive advantages are identified as the reduction of industrial production, outflow of investment capital, unstable export dynamics, the decline in construction, increase in consumer prices, the deterioration in the labor market and a general decline of incomes. The necessity of developing a strategy for further socio-economic development and promoting the use of marketing tools for promoting market actors is emphasized; it is proposed for the latter to be carried out in particular by developing and promoting regional brands aimed at creating a positive and attractive image for the region and spreading that image in space to maximize the benefits for the region's residents.

Author Biography

Ю. І. Головня, Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет, м. Київ

канд. екон. наук., доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародної економіки


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