Simonova G. Mechanisms for information collection and processing of information in a multilevel system of credit education services


  • Г. В. Сімонова Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



information, information support, management, preferential government loans, educational services.


The article deals with theoretical and methodological foundations of information collection and processing in a multilevel information system of credit education services with using distributed database management and modern Internet-applications development tools. Disadvantages of the existing information transfer organization from higher education institutions to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the preparation of various ratings of borrowers is specified. The author identifies the necessity to ensure the availability of forward and reverse links between controllers and borrowers. It is offered to use the modern concepts of cloud technologies based on ASP.NET and the database management system Microsoft SQL Servers to implement mechanisms for the collection and processing of information in the multilevel system of credit education services. The author provides to use the IaaS and SaaS concepts for integration management system into a single information space and to avoid the necessary to support the "difficult" decisions of infrastructure (data centers, higher education institutions infrastructure). It is developed the information system structure, which reduces the labor costs of employees engaged in a long-term preferential educational loans, and also provides the ability to effectively control the distribution, use and repayment of loans. The procedures of interaction of borrowers, employees of higher educational institutions and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Internet-portal of long-term preferential educational loans are offered.

Author Biography

Г. В. Сімонова, Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця

к.е.н, доцент, доцент кафедри інформаційних систем управління


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