Kabachenko A. Restoration of entrepreneurial activity rate in the context of Donetsk region labor market stabilization


  • Г. С. Кабаченко Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine




entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurship, self-employment, small businesses, unemployment, employment service, stabilization of the labor market.


In the article the state of entrepreneurship inDonetskregion, which is characterized by: disproportion specialization of small enterprises by economic activity; uneven deployment of small businesses in the region; the tendency to reduce business in the region; uneven distribution of human capital size enterprises. The analysis shows that small and medium businesses in the region and slowed develops unevenly. Its potential is not realized sufficiently due to several problems at both the regional and the national level, which is a limiting factor for its development, enhanced crisis. The main problems of small and medium business are: the existence of legal, economic, administrative obstacles to the exercise of the rights to the business; instability of the financial system, the devaluation of the hryvnia, reducing the investment attractiveness ofDonetskregion andUkraineas a whole in connection with the anti-terrorist operation. Directions recovery and support entrepreneurial activity, namely the provision of SME status in real priority of the local authorities, the formation mechanism of the existing partnership between government and business, consolidate the efforts of government and business associations in matters of support, protect the rights and interests of small and medium businesses, improve the regulatory environment, the system of administrative services and issuing permits, finding new financial tools for business development and attracting international donor, the development of infrastructure to support small and medium businesses, the expansion of vocational education and training staff in the spheres of business, creating the conditions to enhance its investment and innovation.

Author Biography

Г. С. Кабаченко, Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця



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