Taranych A. Features of the formation of industrial clusters and modeling processes efficient use of their competitive potential


  • А. В. Таранич Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця), Ukraine




information economy, social reproduction, public-private partnerships, industrial clusters, modeling, regional competitiveness, competitive potential, the profit zone, the old industrial regions.


The features of the formation of industrial clusters in the information economy as a way of strengthening the social reproduction through profit zone location and directions efforts to create a cluster. Grounded key elements of the algorithm clusters from forming aggregate portfolio of businesses through the development of related and supporting activities to introduce elements of public-private partnerships. The essence of the process of capacity building markets industry cluster formation by grouping criteria: return on sales, the share in the competitive structure of the market and the degree of influence of initial barriers. Across aggregate of the system of comparing the level of strategic security cluster of competitors within the total product portfolio of cluster formation. A performance simulation processes effectively use competitive potential cluster formations. Behind them the possibility of re-determined regular analysis of the market and competitors if the track dynamics of the market and mark it on the coordinate plane, as well as predicting the competitive state of the market after the introduction of innovation and the response of competitors. Determined that cluster formation is self-organizing independent economic unit that can provide not only the advanced development at their own expense, but also to encourage the revival of business activity in the region and associated industries. Given the government support and private capital can venture companies in the creation of infrastructure; compensation or preferential interest rate loans; preferences and privileges in taxation in the case of a non-core jobs. Formation of cluster formations should be based on a strategic decision on profit control zone associated with the stages of the process of social reproduction.

Author Biography

А. В. Таранич, Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця)

канд. екон. наук, доцент


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