Tomareva-Patlahova V. The conceptual model of national and regional economic development of in the context of economic reforms


  • В. В. Томарева-Патлахова Классический приватный университет, г. Запорожье, Ukraine



state regional policy, regional development model, region, cluster, providing factors, productive factors, sustainable factors, the region's competitiveness, economic reform.


The article grounds the selection and grouping of factors and conditions for region socio-economic development. Selected factors are become the key characteristics of the region's competitiveness. These factors, that should be considered to implement the economic reforms, are to be supported by the evolution of division of labor and reproduction in the region or group of regions. According to the gradual nature of the reforms and the requirements of the competitive environment in the region, which is influenced by objective factors, the author has identified the key characteristics of the relations between region socio-economic development and the quality of their management within the conceptual model of regional development. This control is performed at the operational, tactical and strategic level of regional policy. The article emphasizes that each level is provided its group factors. The principles of a conceptual model of regional development based on gradation of regional policy at different levels of governance are formulated. This jaggies means the region`s competitiveness by providing development factors (operational level governance), productive factors (tactical level governance) and sustainable factors (strategic level governance). The author notes that the conceptual model of region socio-economic development concerning the implementation of economic reforms should include the use of factors providing support for the development of productive and sustainable factors groups of factors, and not vice versa. The article offers a scheme regional development models to perform economic reforms within the state regional policy. The implementation of the main directions of reforms is to be based on relevant objective factors. Regards to this model the author offers a theoretical approach to the effective state monitoring mechanism to fulfill the economic reforms.

Author Biography

В. В. Томарева-Патлахова, Классический приватный университет, г. Запорожье

к.э.н., доцент


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