
  • Y. Malakhovskyi national University Krivogradskaya tenny, m. Kirovograd, Ukraine



regional economy, effectiveness entities, consolidated regional accounts, financial social accounting matrix, measurement of volumes, national economy, the effectiveness of regional socio-economic public-private activities


Studying analytical capabilities and developing methodological proposals for preparation and using of the financial social accounting matrix in order to study the complex sequence and interconnection indicators of the production of goods and services production, primary and secondary distribution of income, their final use, capital accumulation at the national and regional levels of the management. The generalized model of measuring the public-private partnership of the results becomes complete form as a result of considering the peculiarities of the economic behavior of households, government, which present the budgets of different levels, financial and credit systems which perform the functions of distribution and redistribution of income among institutional units.
It is proved that the economic development of the region on the model of cooperation “private business – authorities – population” provides the ability to simultaneously meet the agreed non-antagonistic economic interests of all the parties’ cooperation: the administration, investor, stockholder and the inhabitants of the region. Potential conflicts of cooperation of business and government, which is linked to the fact that the regional administration is not directly interested in increasing the value of the business, pursuing, above all, the goal of their own, non-monetary performance goals, overcome by taking into account the flow of benefits and costs. Attracted calculations show that the development of instruments of public-private partnerships is the most effective means of connecting the interests of authority, business and the stockholder.

Author Biography

Y. Malakhovskyi, national University Krivogradskaya tenny, m. Kirovograd

Ph. D. in Economics, associate Professor


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