Zhovnovach R. Implementation of Competitive Development of Agricultural Machine-Building Enterprises on the Basis of Product Competitiveness Management


  • Р. І. Жовновач Кіровоградський національний технічний університет, м. Кіровоград, Ukraine




product competitiveness, product competitiveness management, competition development, competitive advantages, strategy, strategic management.


The article discloses the problem of product competitiveness management at agricultural machine-building enterprises and implementation of constant functioning and competitive development of enterprises. The essence of product competitiveness management and the stages of its implementation were defined. An important influence of customers of agricultural machines on the activity of agricultural machine-building enterprises was marked. The improvement of product competitiveness management and development of agricultural machine-building enterprises taking into account interests of producers and demands of customers was suggested.The methodological approach to the assessment of product competitiveness of agricultural machine-building enterprises was given. It allows discovering advantages of agricultural machinery compared with its analogue due to the balanced selection of technical characteristics, consideration of economic indicators of purchasing and exploitation of the machinery and the determination of service quality assessment. Taking into account the situation typical today for agricultural engineering and great influence of users of sowing machinery on activity of an enterprise-producer, management of  the competitiveness of enterprises-producers of sowing machinery presupposes, first of all, defining of strategic directions of further development taking into account the users’ demands. The implementation of strategies for the development of enterprises that are directed to form, support and increase product competitiveness level was grounded. The algorithm for product competitiveness management at agricultural machine-building enterprises was suggested. The algorithm is based of the definition of the sufficiency of the product competitiveness level, development of the measures for its support and improvement and the implementation of the possibility to renew production which will have demand in future.

Author Biography

Р. І. Жовновач, Кіровоградський національний технічний університет, м. Кіровоград

к.е.н., доцент


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