Anisimova O. The methodological approach to the competitiveness evaluation of the company’s economic potential.


  • Ольга Анісімова Донецького національного університету (м. Вінниця), Ukraine



competitiveness, competitive status, economic potential, methods of assessment, the life cycle of the enterprise, the coefficient matrix.


In the paper author has defined theoretical and methodological aspects of the economic potential mechanism formation of the company. It is proved that in the framework of this mechanism it is possible and advisable to assess the level of competitive status on the basis of comprehensive information about the level of economic potential, factors external examination and by using balanced system of quantitative and qualitative criteria diagnostic elements of economic potential, transformation of interference detected items depending on the general stages of enterprise development and factors external action. The author analyzed different approaches to the enterprises competitiveness evaluation and their positive and negative sides. Within the frame of the economic potential competitive mechanism of the company it is proposed to consider the competitive position and characteristics of the company` competitive environment of the company. In the paper author gives a definition of "competitive status of the company", and it refers to the ability of the enterprise to achieve a certain level of competitive advantage. The problem of determining the parameters is solved in the paper by the evaluation of necessary parameters of economic potential in view of their importance, and according to the actual situation. The approach to assess the degree of adequacy of the economic potential that comes with the potential for the definition of appropriate parameter values of its elements. Author had determined that the final evaluation of the economic potential must allow analysis of the individual parties’ internal and external environment impact and the cumulative effect of all conditions affecting the possibility of economic potential and achieving the appropriate level of competitive status. And as a result the evaluation of the elements, which form the economic potential, is considered through the set of specific characteristics, where each of these elements is characterized and evaluated by many quantitative and qualitative indicators

Author Biography

Ольга Анісімова, Донецького національного університету (м. Вінниця)

д. е. н., професор, зав. кафедри інформаційних систем управління


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