Lutsenko O. Public-private partnership as a factor in improving the interaction between business and government in Ukraine.


  • Олена Луценко аспірант кафедри економічної теорії, національної та прикладної економіки Класичного приватного університету, м. Запоріжжя,



public-private partnership, business, government


The article discusses the concept of public-private partnerships, analyzes aspects of collaboration between business and government at present. The essence of public-private partnerships. We consider the concept of positive and negative sides. A well informed role in the development of the national economy plays a public-private partnership.

Businessmen which actively develop and "go with the times" often twist the concept of social responsibility and state-private partnerships.

Social responsibility in the broad sense means certain expectations of society regarding the owners and management, production structures, on the one hand, and awareness of their duty to society, staff, individual for their actions and their social consequences - on the other.

State and private business are not mutually exclusive, but complementary sectors of the economy and politics. A civilized market cannot exist in any country without a strategic partnership between the state and private sector. The analysis of experience and consequences of the period of “shock” phase of reforms by experts notes that "separation" of the state of the economy was a system error, since the state-private partnership (SPP) could be a successful means of overcoming the contradictions between the free market and public administration during transition from a centralized economy to a market economy.

The state and business should act as equal partners in the formulation and implementation of various projects, having equal rights and responsibilities for the implementation of strategic decisions.


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