Pryamukhina N.V. Problems of integration of Ukraine and its regions into the world economic space.


  • Наталія Валентинівна Прямухіна Черкаський державний технологічний університет,



integration, world economy, corruption, foreign economic policy, competition, regions, strategy development.


In this paper the main blocks of problems that hinder integration processes of Ukraine to the world economic space: economic, managerial, market. Substantiates the interdependence and intersectional of issues and the need for an integrated approach to their solution. Selected problems, whose solution is a priority for the development of our state and its regions, namely, corruption and foreign trade policy. Determined that the impact of corruption distorts the structure of economic system, changing the priority sectors for development regions, distorts investment flows and the mechanism of providing state support. Architectural elements of the economic space aim to make a profit in the shortest possible time, therefore, exacerbate this problem and support
those segments that are able to solve it. As a result, the shift of sector’s priorities comes to the point of absurdity to stimulate some (less important) and suppression of other (more important) industries, and becomes criminal in nature. Foreign economic policy right connected with the real economy, investment, innovation processes, etc., so is defined as a vector of development for the areas of integration processes economic space. The implementation of economic and social policy in Ukraine in the future will greatly depend on how successfully the country will be implemented in practice the model of open competitive economy that will attract to the economy of Ukraine
with the necessary material, labor and technological resources on the one hand, and use external markets for domestic products. Under such conditions Ukraine faces the problem of choosing strategic partners and areas of integration into the world economy to achieve this goal. Formulated the main approaches that are relevant to ensure the impact of overcoming certain problems and reduce their negative effects.

Author Biography

Наталія Валентинівна Прямухіна, Черкаський державний технологічний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри фінансів


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