Yemelyanova N. The essence and nature of models of public-private partnerships.


  • Наталя Анатоліївна Ємельянова здобувач кафедри міжнародного бізнесу і прикладної економіки Донецького національного університету, м. Вінниця,



public-private partnership, co-financing of projects, public interest, risk sharing


Absence of strategic vision of public-private partnership development in Ukraine does not support efficient realization such form of cooperation in many areas of traditional state activities. The mechanisms of public-private partnership in historical perspective are investigated in article and their transformation in modern situation. Characteristics that stimulate to implement different
types of public-private partnership, influencing on the place of state and business sector in infrastructure projects realization, determining risks allocation between partners are outlined. Main theoretical approaches to public-private partnership, components and attributes are analyzed. The nature of partnership in terms of unfinished mechanism and new economic conditions that do not
take into account all potential risks and perspectives are developed. The main models of partnership are mechanisms of concession, lease, joint ventures, and management are determined. Attributes of public-private partnership that reflects its nature and organizing new forms of state and public sectors cooperation are proposed. Implementation of public-private partnership on the
terms of transparency will provide effective use of objects which are in state ownership or use. Reasonable use of mechanisms of partnership has the potential of positive influence on revival of economic activity in the country by stimulation of participation of a business environment in projects. Such cooperation will have synergetic effect both on separate otryasl, and on economic development in general.

Author Biography

Наталя Анатоліївна Ємельянова, здобувач кафедри міжнародного бізнесу і прикладної економіки Донецького національного університету, м. Вінниця

здобувач кафедри міжнародного бізнесу і прикладної
економіки Донецького національного університету, м.


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– Режим доступу:

The National Council for Public-Private Partnership – Електронний ресурс. –

Режим доступу:

Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority – Електронний ресурс. – Режим




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