Harabuga S. The problem of internally displaced persons on the labour market of Ukraine.


  • Світлана Вікторівна Харабуга Маріупольський інститут МАУП,




labour market, employment, unemployment, placement, state employment policy, internally displaced persons


The paper investigates the impact of internally displaced persons segment on the labour market of Ukraine, problems of employment of this category of citizens. The author comprehensively examines the status and impact of internally displaced persons as a registered, and the free labour market. The article through the comparison of data on employment and other services from the State employment service for unemployed internally displaced persons and for all other categories of unemployed persons identified a more active employment behavior of internally displaced persons, which is explained by the author as a great motivation for livelihood, especially the payment of rented accommodation. Also, the author reveales low overall pressure of internally displaced persons on the labour market of Ukraine, however, the negative factor is the uneven concentration of internally displaced persons by regions, the concentration them in the neighbor area of the ATO regions and in the capital. The second identified adverse factor in the position of internally displaced persons in the labour market is the total job losses due to adverse trends in the production and the inconsistency of quality characteristics of internally displaced persons current needs of the labour market. To overcome existing negative trends, the author proposes a number of measures to improve state policy in the field of protection of the rights of internally displaced persons, including employment policy.

Author Biography

Світлана Вікторівна Харабуга, Маріупольський інститут МАУП

Завідувач кафедри управління персоналом і економіки праці


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