Parkhomenko Y. Social investment market and its impact on quality of life.


  • Юрій Миколайович Пархоменко Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



social investment, market, social investment market, demand, supply, market conditions, model functioning market of social investment, investment process, social sector, quality of life.


In the article the essence of investment process in the social investment. Determined its four main stages: preparatory, transition, operation and final-estimated. Described the specificity of each stage depending on the subject, which provides investment. Provided the definition of the social investment market. Presents the main subjects that form the proposal in this market, and objects that shape consumer demand. Determined the main elements of social investment market infrastructure, such as: banking and financial institutions, regulatory environment, information and communication space and stakeholders. Based on the synthesis of information on social investment market features defined exogenous and endogenous risks, including the key is: unstable economic situation, high levels of corruption risk rejection community social investment, the lack of reliable information investor to the investee; risk of incomplete investment income resources to a particular investment object that is associated with the presence of a wide range of market intermediaries social investment, and so on.. Describe the features of social investment market conditions. Defined main sphere of functions performed by the market study, including: remapping feature, regulatory, social, informational, stimulating and optimization functions. Presents a model market functioning social investments. It was found that the main result of the efficient functioning of the market is the growth of social investment quality of life.

Author Biography

Юрій Миколайович Пархоменко, Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця



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