Kudrina O. General theoretical and applied problems of development strategy of industrial production in Ukraine in the economic crisis


  • Ольга Юриївна Кудріна Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв, м. Київ., Ukraine




economy, efficiency, crisis, planning, enterprise, industry, potential, strategy, management.


In the article the problem of forming strategic plans for operation of industry of Ukraine in the economic crisis. Investigated stages of industrial production in Ukraine, which are becoming increasingly apparent and sharper disparities in economic development. These contradictions inevitably lead to a deterioration of the situation in the industrial sector. It was determined that the vast majority of economic relations neither technically nor economically or psychologically not yet fully prepared for the innovations of industry of Ukraine. It is noted that this restructuring and innovation development industry is urgent, urgent task of the state. Indicated that localization and elimination of these problems in the financial crisis are impossible without the formation and justification strategies of commercial enterprises, and developing guidelines on optimal selection model of strategic management of industrial enterprise in the conditions of economic crisis caused by the processes. It was shown that the conceptual basis of the study is to use synergy-institutional paradigm of industrial enterprises. Determined that the strategic planning of industry, based on strengthening enhance their synergy and institutional capacity, does not have full scientific support relevant conceptual apparatus and methodological tools. We believe that today, in terms of the widening of the economic crisis, sustainable development industry is an important problem of modern Ukrainian economy, which necessitates improvements depth strategic management. Determined that the initial step in this direction should be the strategic planning and not functioning as development of industrial enterprises. Found that the solution of the problem in terms of innovation and economic restructuring Ukraine is connected with further studies of the mechanism of strategic planning, which should take into account the constant changes in the micro and macro enterprises.

Author Biography

Ольга Юриївна Кудріна, Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв, м. Київ.

д.е.н., доцент, професор кафедри економіки Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв, м. Київ.


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