Siemieniak Ya. Features of recruitment services market in Ukraine.


  • Ярослава Сергіівна Сємєняк Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



Recruiting, labor market, employment, unemployment, recruitment agency, employer.


The article highlights the features of the market recruiting services in Ukraine. Statistical information describing the situation on the Ukrainian labor market in recent years. Established that in the present crisis in the labor market there is a lack of qualified personnel, which would ensure effective operation of the company. There is a need for recruiting or activity of finding competent employees. The article describes the types of recruitment services provided in Ukraine. It was established that the domestic market of recruiting services is quite young and is under development. The characteristic features of the market for recruitment services is a concentration mainly in the city. Kiev, but in regions it is underdeveloped. In Ukraine, most of the jobs of qualified managers and specialists concentrated in recruitment companies, the State Employment Center plays all smaller role in employment in the State. Recently recruiting covers almost all areas of business. The most stable sector in Ukraine is the pharmaceutical sector and the IT sector. Ukrainian recruiters actively involve new information technologies in their work, which contributes to their development. Revealed that recruiting is a significant role in the regulation of unemployment and its further development in Ukraine may be the one factor increasing the competitiveness of the domestic economy.

Author Biography

Ярослава Сергіівна Сємєняк, Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця



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