Markina I.A. Socio-economic forecast of the role of the Ukrainian food industry in ensuring the consumer needs of the country’s population in food.


  • Ірина Анатоліївна Маркіна м. Полтава, Полтавська державна аграрна академія, Ukraine



socio-economic forecast, complex food, consumption, needs of the population, self-sufficiency, food, equations trend.


The paper is dedicated to the determination of the conditions for ensuring the effective functioning of the domestic food complex in the consumer oriented market. The forecast value of the volume of food production by population of Ukraine in 2000-2013 is defined by author. The special equations of linear and quadratic dependence of the trend line of the main types of production of food products in Ukraine are prepared in order to obtain the predicted values output in 2014 – 2019. The feasibility of using a quadratic trend is proved, because the sum of the deviations between the actual and planned values of the volume of production of each type of food product in the process of quadratic equation construction of the trend line is smaller than the similar sum of a linear dependence. The actual and predicted values of self-sufficiency level of the main types of food products in 2000-2019 are defined in order to conduct a proper assessment of the effective functioning of the Ukrainian food complex. The calculated average approximation error for quadratic trend of each type of food product is less than the same indicator calculated for linear equation of the trend line. On the basis of the above indicators the predicted values of self-sufficiency indicators of the main types of food products for the same period of time are defined by author.

Author Biography

Ірина Анатоліївна Маркіна, м. Полтава, Полтавська державна аграрна академія

професор кафедри менеджменту, д.е.н., професор


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