Vitka N. The processes of resource industry companies in the current conditions.


  • Наталя Євгенівна Вітка Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара, Ukraine



resource conservation, resource use, the system, enterprise, efficiency, resources.


The article describes the resources of the industrial enterprises of Ukraine as the main elements of the manufacturing capacity and research facility in the system to reduce costs. The main types of resources that interact with the enterprise are: material, energy, labor, industrial, financial and information, which are combined into two main groups - natural and technical. The main features of all types of resources is their potential for participation in the production process, where they are transformed into products, as well as relatively limited. Scarcity creates contradictions between the capacities and interests of the economic system, is solved finding reserves to improve the use of resources. The article presents the trends of resource within the increase of economic efficiency such as: reducing energy and materials consumption, reduction and elimination of loss of raw materials and energy, improve product quality, resourcing production by expanding the involvement of secondary resources into economic circulation. Also, the article provides a system resource efficient industrial enterprise, the main components are: the adoption of resource management solutions for the enterprise, assessment of the potential resource, resource planning at the enterprise level, the organization of management resource conservation, resource conservation strategic controlling, monitoring resource use, evaluation of the efficiency of resource use. It was found that the main obstacles that hinder the development of resource-saving industrial enterprises are: the high cost of energy, inability to attract additional financial resources for the modernization of equipment, the lack of implementation of the operational reserves of resource, which do not require costly and inefficient state regulation of resource-saving process through economic measures . The ways of solving the problems of implementation in the enterprise resource: a comprehensive review of resource-saving systems, development of motivational resource system, state support on a practical resource, not just a strategic level, conducting process optimization resursoispolzovaniya structure.

Author Biography

Наталя Євгенівна Вітка, Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара

к.е.н., доцент, доцент кафедри статистики, обліку та
економічної інформатики


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