Yastrebova O. Conceptual approaches to defining the essence of the investment project and its life cycle.
, investment project, project life cycle, roadmap, business plan, expenses, income, efficiency of the investment project.Abstract
The article research the essence of the concept of the investment project and its life cycle. Revealed the world trends of investment activity of the enterprises. Generalizing definition of the essence concept of the investment project of various scholars who interpret the investment project as main document that defines need for real investment, which in the conventional sequence of sections set out the main characteristics of the project and financial data associated with its implementation. Define the project (investment project) enterprises, organizations, the production capacity of the complex or object - it is a complete set of organizational, technical, financial and economic instruments and activities. We emphasize that the investment project - a substantiation of economic feasibility, scope and timing of capital expenditures, including the necessary project documentation, developed in accordance with the law and duly approved standards (norms and rules), as well as the practical actions to sale of investments (business plan). The author's interpretation of the distribution on the phase of the investment project life cycle using the network project models. Summing up the scientific approaches, it concluded that the "life cycle" of the investment project - a reflection of the development of the project from the inception of the idea of creation the project until its completion in a given period of time, is a series of logically related operations (phases), designed to achieve the desired result within project that can be represented in the circuits of network models in the phases of the investment project.
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