Nastich T.P. Current trends higher education in Germany, Poland and Ukraine (comparative analysis)


  • Тетяна Петрівна Настич Чернігівський технологічний національний університет, Ukraine



higher education, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, the system of education.


In the article the system of higher education in modern Germany, Poland and Ukraine highlighted the main factors that have significant value in promoting democratic education and ways to improve it. The comparative analysis which allows us to understand how the formation of the country in its structural characteristics, the results attracted resources from different topical educational trends and patterns in the world in general and cultural education in particular. Analysis of the main indicators of levels of education funding higher education institutions in the country. Considered the differences of the current state of the education system of Ukraine from developed countries are in a much lower absolute terms of financing, the trend index of the current level of education systems in the world stands complications financial mechanism of convergence, the acquisition of common features between the public and private sectors, is increasingly becoming extensions various sources of funding at every level of education. In Germany and Poland formed a higher education system that covers higher education state-owned and which are aimed at training, retraining and skills development to meet the needs of the economy. Considers joint activities of higher education institutions of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine joining the Bologna education system and credit transfer system evaluation. Analyzes the features of modern higher education in the Federal Republic of Germany, Poland and Ukraine, as well as identify common and distinctive features of their activities and development.

Author Biography

Тетяна Петрівна Настич, Чернігівський технологічний національний університет



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