Marchenko N.V. Theoretical approaches to transformation of intelligent investment in the industrial sector


  • Наталія Володимирівна Марченко ВАТ «Азовзагальмаш», КТЦ, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



intelligent investment, industry, innovation, innovative process


The approach to evaluating the effectiveness of intellectual investments is developing the same temporarily with the development of the theory of innovative development. The level of development of the state is determined by the depth of research and implementation of innovations in different industries. And it requires a deep and systematic study of the influence of innovation on macroeconomic and microeconomic, and socio-political trends. Modern approaches to the management and level of human capacity based on consideration of innovations that combine managerial, financial-economic and socio-cultural aspects. Developed many classifications of innovation of foreign and domestic scientists, which take into account different characteristics: the level of innovation, the scale of novelty, the nature of novelty, type of application and so on. Considering developing theoretical approaches, further research is needed by definition in the modern system of enterprises, as well as at the level of the state and interstate. This will allow separate innovation on a local, conceptual, strategic, operation and maintenance. Technical and scientific products in the market together with fuel and energy resources and technologies, as well as raw materials. And market development is impossible without global economic system. The leading position in the innovation market is a development that received on the basis of new technologies. This leads to new branches of knowledge, which provides a product in different forms and with new consumer characteristics. An important criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the intellectual investment is the level of regulatory support at all stages of the product life cycle. Specialized structures that provide different levels of functioning of the enterprise, which is engaged in innovation. The author considers different theoretical views of many domestic and foreign scholars on the classification of innovation, as well as considered the simplest variant of the linear model and proposed an improved version of the chain models of innovation. Characteristic for this model is the link between production, marketing, fundamental and applied research and engineering, and between all the innovative circuits.

Author Biography

Наталія Володимирівна Марченко, ВАТ «Азовзагальмаш», КТЦ, м. Маріуполь



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