Sierkova H. Analysis scientific and methodical approaches for evaluation of the Economic development company.


  • Ганна Михайлівна Сєркова Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



economic development of the enterprise, the assessment method, the level of development, the diagnosis model, the system of indicators, the indicators.


This article analyzes, generalization and systematization of the existing scientific and methodological approaches to the assessment of the economic development of the enterprise, affect the quality management system and the efficiency of the enterprise itself. It was noted that the domestic industry is characterized by the use of groups of indicators of use of material, energy, labor and financial resources, equipment utilization and efficiency of production and business activities; in a market economy, a source of information for management decision-making is not only the economic indicators (profitability, profitability, etc.), but also such factors as the needs and expectations of consumers, improve the corporate governance system of motivation of the personnel, improve business processes , meeting the needs and interests of the shareholders, etc. It was stated that the analysis of the effect of individual factors on the company an opportunity to assess the current level of development and contribute to the definition of future development strategy, so depending on the scope of the study and taking into account its own scientific views, researchers justify different groups of factors that influence the development of enterprises. We distinguish the following methods for assessing the economic development of the enterprise, designed by domestic authors: polikriterialnaya diagnostic model of enterprise development based on business indicators; system for assessing the development of enterprises based on four groups of indicators; indirect method of assessing the development of enterprises; system of indicators of technical and technological component of economic security of the enterprise; evaluation model of enterprise development level; method of assessing the development of enterprise-level competitiveness indicators; method of assessing the development of enterprise-level phase of enterprise development; method of assessing the level of development of the enterprise with the help of the integral index; method of assessing the level of development of the enterprise as the extent to which the potential (the degree of correspondence between the components of the building). It is noted that the available scientific and methodological approaches based on different conditions, different in purpose and are designed for specific tasks.

Author Biography

Ганна Михайлівна Сєркова, Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця



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