Maltsev M. The current state of development of the national seaport complex.


  • Максим Миколайович Мальцев ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



seaports, maritime capacity, cargo turnover, the strategic development


The article examines trends in seaports development in recent years. Offshore potential of Ukraine is 13 continental seaports, 4 of which are large continental seaports. Ports basically are universal, with some specialized complexes; their carrying capacity is 262 million tons per year. The main advantages of the seaport industry of Ukraine are the availability of facilities for cargo handling and favorable location of seaports to ensure transit cargo. Most ports increased gross revenues and total turnover in recent years. In the structure of turnover the main share is accounted for bulk cargo. The analysis showed high export potential of iron goods, iron ore, grain and oil. The study of marine transit potential of Ukraine showed that the main problems of Ukrainian ports are: the absence of government policy for their development objectives; backwardness maritime legislation of Ukraine from modern maritime powers; imperfection of the customs and other legislation related to the control of goods and vehicles. The consequence of this is unattractiveness of the Ukrainian ports for transit traffic and low competitiveness. It is necessary to focus on the reconstruction and development of Ukrainian ports in accordance with the needs of the world market in order to successfully integrate Ukrainian port into the global transport network. One of the activities for this should be the creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of investment projects and the study of the regulatory framework for a successful and mutually beneficial cooperation with private capital. Involvement of the private capital in the sector is a prerequisite for the development of the national seaport complex.

Author Biography

Максим Миколайович Мальцев, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь



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