System approach in improving mediko-preventive care to the patient with nephrological profile in Kharkiv region


  • N.M. Andonieva Kharkiv National Medical University; MIH “Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V.I. Shapoval”, Ukraine
  • H.V. Lisova Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine
  • O.A. Huts Kharkiv National Medical University; MIH “Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V.I. Shapoval”, Ukraine
  • M.Y. Dubovyk Kharkiv National Medical University; MIH “Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V.I. Shapoval”, Ukraine



the organization of the nephrological care, chronic kidney disease, replacement renal therapy, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation


In the work described the experience of organization medical care for patients with kidney pathology in the Kharkov region. The stages of the development of specialized nephrological care in a large regional center are presented, the structure and features of the formation of the nephrological service are described. Data on prevalence, incidence and disability of the population of the region due to chronic kidney disease are presented. The indicators of availability of renal replacement therapy are analyzed. The advantages of organization of a specialized nephrological service with the concentration of all methods of renal replacement therapy on the basis of a specialized nephrourological center are described.


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