The use of phytotherapy in the treatment of small kidney stones


  • V.P. Stus SI “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy MOH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • N.N. Moiseenko SI “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy MOH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • U.O. Shevchenko SI “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy MOH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • L.F. Lisitskaya SI “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy MOH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • S.T. Guzman SI “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy MOH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • A.S. Panchenko SI “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy MOH of Ukraine”, Ukraine



urolithiasis, phytotherapy


The properties of the drug Nokamen in the treatment of kidney stones up to 1 cm are studied. Lycokinetic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties of the drug are shown. The lack of litolytic properties in the drug Nokamen may be due to the fact that its application does not take into account factors such as the composition of stone, pH of urine, the properties of protective colloids, preservation of obstruction of the urinary tract, etc. The impact of Nokamen on the content of uric acid, calcium in blood and urine can help prevent the formation of stones.


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