History of the urological service of the dnepropetrovsk oblast hospital named after. I.I. Mechnikov (on the 220th anniversary of the foundation of the hospital)


  • V.P. Stus SI “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy MOH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • S.A. Ryzhenko SE “Dnipropetrovsk regional clinical hospital n.a. I.I. Mechnikov”, Ukraine




history of urology, Mechnikova hospital, urological service


The article briefly outlines the main stages of the development of the urological service of the CI “Dnepropetrovsk Regional Clinical Hospital named after. I.I. Mechnikov” from the opening of the urological department in the 30 years of the twentieth century to the modern urological clinic, based on archival data, literature data. The bibliographic data of persons who played an important role in the development of urology both in the specialty and in science are presented.


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History of Urology