Dynamics of еndothelin-1 level and the development of complications in patients with acute epididymoorchitis


  • Ye.A. Litvinets Ivano-Frankivsk national medical university, Ukraine
  • S.V. Golovko NMPC "Main Military Clinical Hospital", Ukraine
  • D.O. Valerko NMPC "Main Military Clinical Hospital", Ukraine
  • V.R. Balabanyk NMPC "Main Military Clinical Hospital", Ukraine




acute epididymoorchitis, endothelin-1, predicting complications


In this study attempted to clarify the diagnostic and prognostic significance of changes in the content of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in plasma of patients with acute epididymoorchitis in connection with blood circulation in the testis of the appendage. To determine the concentration of ET-1 using ELISA method. In all examined patients before treatment revealed a significant increase in the concentration of ET-1. In the preoperative period, 43% of patients with irreversible complications (lack of blood flow to the testicle or appendage, the CDC-signal) concentration of ET-1 to the 7th day remained high (25,8±3,2 ng/ml, exceeding the norm by 2,5 times), which indicates the irreversible microcirculatory disorders in testicle (appendage), possibly by increasing vasoconstriction of blood vessels. In 57% of patients were observed for complications, processes are reversible ischemia, and the concentration of ET-1 gradually decreased until the 14th day amounted to 5,8±0,6 ng/ml, returning to the range of normal. Changes in the concentration of ET-1 in blood plasma indicates the reversibility of metabolic disorders related testicular tissue ischemia, as well as diagnostic and prognostic significance of this factor determining the relative risk of complications.


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