Treatment of patients with renal injuries in case of polytrauma


  • M.A. Dovbish Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, Ukraine
  • Y.L. Podgayniy Zaporizhzhya City Clinical Hospital for Emergency and Emergency Medical Care, Ukraine
  • T.A. Boyko Zaporizhzhya City Clinical Hospital for Emergency and Emergency Medical Care, Ukraine
  • I.M. Dovbish Zaporizhzhya City Clinical Hospital for Emergency and Emergency Medical Care, Ukraine
  • E.M. Mishchenko Zaporizhzhya City Clinical Hospital for Emergency and Emergency Medical Care, Ukraine



polytrauma, kidney function of urine excretion, renal fibrosis and sclerosis, lymph stimulation therapy


Around 4.5 million of people suffer from traumas in Ukraine. Renal injuries in case of polytrauma are observed in 26.4% of cases and occupy second or third place among injuries of organs of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. To study and prove the influence of the lymph stimulation therapy on functional condition of kidneys and vital organs and systems at suffered people with renal injuries in case of polytrauma we observed 218 patients, who were divided into two groups. In the first main group the lymph stimulation therapy was conducted and the patients of the second group took traditional therapy. The main clinical and biochemical indicators of blood and urine were studied by laboratory methods; ultrasound diagnostics and CT scan of kidneys and organs of abdominal cavity were done. It was proved that in patients, who received the lymph stimulation therapy, indicators of creatinine and indicators of other organs and systems normalized at 7 days earlier than in patients, who receive traditional therapy.


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