Features of morphological changes in the kidneys in the conditions of drug correction of acute pyelonephritis complicated by diabetes mellitus in the experiment


  • S.O. Borisov Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
  • F.I. Kostev Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
  • O.V. Borisov Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
  • A.V. Artiomov DU "Institute of Eye Diseases and Clinical Therapy named after. V.P. Filatov NAMS of Ukraine", Ukraine




acute pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, pathogenesis, etiotropic effect, detoxification, morphological manifestations


The dynamics of the development of pathological changes in the concomitant course of acute pyelonephritis and diabetes mellitus is characterized by structural changes in the cortical and brain layers of the renal parenchyma. The ultrastructural features of the renal tissue were used to assess the effectiveness of the etiotropic and pathogenetic drug exposure in acute pyelonephritis, as well as pyelonephritis in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The differences between the results of etiotropic and pathogenetic drug exposure were related to the level of improvement in microcirculation and trophism of the cortical and brain layers of the renal parenchyma, and histomorphological confirmation of this is the severity of the blood filling of the glomerular capillaries and the presence of dystrophic changes in the epithelium of the tubules of the nephrons. Found significantly less or normal cellularity of mesangium after the implementation of pathogenetic intervention, which was especially pronounced with pyelonephritis against the background of concomitant type II diabetes mellitus.


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