Etiology of chronic kidney disease in children
etiology, chronic kidney disease, childrenAbstract
Objective: to study the etiological structure of primary renal diseases, as the causes of CKD 1–5 st. in children. Research materials and methods. To determine the etiological structure of CKD in children, an analysis of 326 case histories of patients aged 2 to 17 years was performed. Results and discussion. In the structure of CKD, the leading positions are occupied by CAKUT – 52.8%, chronic glomerulonephritis – 19.6% and polycystic kidney disease – 8.6%. The largest number of patients (37.4%) with CKD 1–5 st. it is in the age range of 13–17 years. Summary. A detailed analysis of the nosological structure of CKD in a population of children allows us to identify priority areas for improving diagnosis and using timely renoprotection methods to slow the progression of CKD.References
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