Features of mortality of patients with malignant neoplasms of the kidney
The relevance of studying the dynamics of mortality as one of the indicators of the level of medical care is due to its scientific and practical significance. The first in terms of identifying promising areas of research, the second - the adoption of effective real clinical and organizational, management measures. Malignant neoplasms due to their priority require monitoring of this indicator, including oncourological pathology. This paper presents the results of the nature of trends, the intensity of changes in mortality rates among patients with malignant neoplasms of the kidney, the prevalence of which among the population of Ukraine in 2014-2018 outpaced other localizations (bladder and prostate). Materials of official statistical reporting (2014 - 2018) were used. The situation in Ukraine as a whole was assessed. Mortality rates (per 100 thousand relevant population) were analyzed depending on gender and place of residence. The peculiarity of the study was to compare the data with those of the past five years. As a result, it was found that the dynamics of mortality of the population of Ukraine from malignant neoplasms of the kidney stabilized in 2014 - 2018. It remains twice as large among men. The identified feature of the place of residence was, in contrast to previous years, in the approximation of the values of the rural population to the urban, mainly due to the increase in mortality among women. A characteristic feature of the urban population was a decrease in its level among men. The observed positive changes can be indirectly considered to be the results of the achievements of specialized care: nephrectomy decreased by 13%, the percentage of surgical treatment increased by 7.2%. The prospects for further research and organizational measures are their focus on early diagnosis of CK.References
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