History of urology development in Dnepropetrovsk region (to the 85th anniversary of the creation of the society of urologists of the Dnepropetrovsk region)
On Katerynoslav regin untill the 30th years of the last century, specialized urological aid hasn’t not been presented. Ambulatory patients have been visiting venereal hospitals, where they were engaged venereologists and so-called “tsistoskopisty”. In hospitals, including surgical clinics, which were headed by Professor A.A. Abrazhanov , Ya.Y. Halpern, urological patients have been treated by surgeons, for instrumental investigations of urologic patients have been attracted “tsistoskopisty”, who came with his cystoscope. Urological diseaseshave been treated at other departments of Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute - Faculty (Prof. SK. Solovyev ), general surgery (Prof. M.T. Friedman, E. Kramarenko) and others. Urological patients have been treated by assistant B.T. Fuks. After specialization in the clinic B.N. Holtsov and V.A. Gorash and in 1930, for the first time in Dnipropetrovsk, he conducted an urological outpatient appointment at the prevention palace (Polyclinic № 1) of the hospital # 2. In 1932, there were 20 urological beds in the hospital #2, which became the basis of the Dnepropetrovsk institute of improvement of doctors. In 1940 number of urologic beds in Dnepropetrovsk has been increased to 30. The department worked, in addition to associate professor B.T. Fuks, who has been the Head of the course, assistant and resident of the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies I.S. Emets. On the eve of the World War II as professor at the course was reorganized into the Department of the Institute of improvement of doctors . In May 1935 in Dnipropetrovsk for the first time has been organized the urological community, as a section of Ist Ukrainian urological society. It brought together doctors, who worked on the specialty and interest in this specialty, urologists, “tsistoskopist”, venereologists, surgeons, gynecologists. The total amount - was 38 people. Associate Professor Boris Timofeevich Fuks was elected the first chairman of the society. Since 1935 to 1939 has been held 24 plenary session of the urological community: 25 reports and 76 demonstrations of patients. On the eve of the World War II, there were 45 urological beds in the Dnipropetrovsk region) and one specialized urological reception in Dnipropetrovsk , in addition to the reception of urological patients in the 3 skin-venereal dispensaries. 4 urologists have been worked and (3 - in Dnepropetrovsk and one - in Kriviy Rih ) and 5 - 6 “tsistoskopists”. After the liberation of Dnipropetrovsk from the fascist invaders, the urological society continued to work. It’s active work promoted and closely associated with the board Ukrainian Society of Urology. In 1952, in the hospital named after. I.I. Mechnikov has been organized regional urology department, which was headed by the candidate of medical Sciences I.I. Saveliev. After that, in 1953 B.T. Fuks resigned from the Department of Surgery of Medical Institute and began to work in the department in the hospital #10, I.I. Saveliev was elected an associate professor of the department of urology In the Dnepropetrovsk region, the first regional urologist was appointed associate professor B.T. Fucks. Regional urologist received instructions from the chief urologist of Ministry of Health of Ukraine Honored Worker of Science, Academician A.A. Chaika, who was head of the urological service in Ukraine . Thus, in 1960 there was 460 urological beds in the Dnipropetrovsk region, worked 25 urology practices and 53 urologists. Furthermore, in Dnspropetrovsk has opened 50 urological beds and 3 urological outpatient reception and in departmental institutions (for rail road, water transport, South engineering plant), served by five urologists. Two urologist have worked in the Dnepropetrovsk Medical and 3 doctors - in other institutions. The scientific urological society has played a significant role in the development of urology in the region always remaining at the forefront. It began in May 1935. In addition to the report in the journal “ Urology “ in 1939 and the above information, no materials about that period of his work have survived . The activities of the society, interrupted by World War II, resumed in August 1946. Since 1952 the activities of the society were interrupted and resumed in 1956. Its structure includes in the mainly urologists, the number of which in the city significantly increased. Until 1959, the urological society was part of the Dnipropetrovsk United Medical Scientific Society. Reports on the work of the society were annually sent to the chairman of the board of the republican society and the regional department of health. In 1965, the society had already united 47 urologists (36 from Dnipropetrovsk and 11 from districts of the region). From 1966 to 2000 were 4 regional urologist as: after I.I. Savelyev regional urologist became A.S. Anokhin (1973), then associate professor B.S. Gorev (1989), associate professor S.I. Barannik (1993), and since 1999 to 2018 city of - Professor V.P. Stus. Since 2018 in connection with reorganized professor V.P. Stus became an expert in the direction of “Urology” at the Department of Health of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration. On July 3 1997 at a regular meeting of the Scientific and Practical Society of Urologists of the Dnepropetrovsk Region it was decided to create the Dnipropetrovsk branch of the Ukrainian Association of Urologists consisting of 97 people. Chairman of the branch was elected Member of the correspondent of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor A.V. Lyulko. Department of Urology organized 1 September 1974. The first head of the department was elected Professor A.V. Lyulko. Clinical base of the department was the Regional Clinical Hospital n.a. I.I. Mechnikov - the regional urological department with 80 beds. The clinic under the guidance of Professor A.V. has become an organizational, methodological and scientific center of the urological service of the Dnipropetrovsk region. In 2011, Professor V.P. Stus appointed head of the department. 27 November 2013 conference of urologists Dnipropetrovsk region composed of 87 and made a decision to create the Association of Urologists of Dnipropetrovsk region as public organization. Chairman of the Board of the Association of Urologists was elected Professor V.P. Stus. Since 1935 to has been held 504 meetings of the society. Recent years have been createdie hospital districts, which contributed to the reduction of urological beds in the district and improve the use of urological beds in specialized urological departments of urban hospitals. At present, day there are 345 beds in Dnepropetrovsk region. Urological appointments (for adults and children ) are carried out in 69 health care institutions. There are 126 adult urologists in medical institutions of the region. The Department of Urology and Urologist of the region made a feasible contribution to the formation and development of their specialty . Its development is characterized by the widespread use of medicine in general , as well as biology, genetics, physics, chemistry, medical cybernetics, technology, commonwealth at the intersection of sciences, on the other hand, by the speed of implementation of these achievements into practice through the improvement of existing and the creation of new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention urological diseases.References
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