Analysis of the state of urological care in Ukraine (2019–2020)




staff, beds, inpatient care, nephrectomy, morbidity, prevalence, oncourological pathology, mortality


The paper analyzes the data of official reporting for 2019–2020, which presents the main quantitative and qualitative indicators of the urological service in Ukraine. It is noted that while maintaining human resources, the bed stock has significantly decreased. At the same time, the number of patients treated in hospitals for all leading nosological forms decreased several times and mortality increased at the same time. And with the decrease in the number of operated patients, the postoperative mortality in urolithiasis and prostate diseases increased. There are fewer institutions with urological offices.
In all oncourological diseases, the incidence decreased and the prevalence increased. There is a tendency to increase the diagnosis of stage IV of the process and the proportion of deaths up to a year from the time of its establishment. Mortality tends to decrease, with the exception of PC.


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