Effect of quertine on electrolyte metabolism indicators in patients with urate nephrolithiasis comorbid with metabolic syndrome
The treatment of urate nephrolithiasis (UN) comorbid with metabolic syndrome (MS) is greatly interested in flavonoids, which are actively involved in purine, electrolyte, nitrogen, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism. The aim of the study was to study the effect of quertine on electrolyte metabolism and excretion of stone-forming compounds in patients with UN comorbid with MS.
The indicators of stone-forming compounds excretion were studied by the values of inorganic phosphorus, ionized calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium in blood serum and urine. Urine pH was determined by test indicator strips.
Normalization of indicators of stone-forming compounds excretion under the influence of quertine, traditional therapy and drugs that correct metabolic processes, contributed to an increase of magnesium crystallization inhibitor in blood serum and urine. Besides, it is also important to increase daily diuresis and normalize urine pH, which contributed to the reduction of stone formation and recurrence of urolithiasis. It is important to prescribe quertine, traditional therapy and drugs that correct metabolic disorders, taking into account metabolic disorders, urinary pH and daily diuresis.
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