Investigation of the processes for the restoration of peroxide lipids in blood and tissues of kidney of rats in the modeling of acute pyelonephritis and concomitant diabetes mellitus type II


  • S.A. Borisov Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
  • F.I. Kostyev Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
  • A.V. Borisov Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine



pyelonephritis, pathogenesis, antioxidant system, diabetes mellitus, oxidative stress, enzymes, glutathione peroxidase


In the pathogenesis of acute pyelonephritis, complicated by diabetes mellitus, an important role is played by impaired activity of the antioxidant system, the intensification of the processes of peroxidation and free radical oxidation. The development of an imbalance in the prooxidant-antioxidant system causes negative structural and functional changes in the kidneys, the search for drugs with an antioxidant effect to correct established metabolic disorders is relevant. Modeling of acute pyelonephritis in the presence of diabetes mellitus type II in rats was accompanied by a significant decrease in the recovery of peroxide lipids by glutathione peroxidase in blood plasma and kidney tissue. The application of the proposed method of drug correction contributed to a significant activation of the recovery of peroxide lipids by glutathione peroxidase in blood plasma and in the kidney tissue of animals with reconstituted acute pyelonephritis and concomitant diabetes.


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