Social oriented cluster as an instrument for sustainable development of communal economy enterprises


  • Andriy Melikhov State Higher Educational Institution “Priazovskiy State Technical University”, Ukraine
  • Viktoria Dyachenko student of the Department of Economics of Enterprises, State Higher Educational Institution “Pryazovskiy State Technical University”, Mariupol, Ukraine



socially-oriented cluster, housing and communal services, sustainable socio-economic development, polycomponent model, competitiveness, living standard of population, ecology


The approaches to understanding the concept of a socially oriented cluster are analyzed in the article. It was determined basing on the system approach that a socially oriented cluster is a regional system of interacting organizations and institutions of various branches of economy and forms of ownership whose activities contributes to solving social problems, to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of territories and to improve the competitive position of cluster-participator enterprises based on using innovative technologies. A clusterization ensures the integration of communal services into a regional economy and promotes for increasing of enterprises’ competitiveness in this sphere.

The polycomponent model of the socially oriented cluster in the city of Mariupol is proposed. As an area of cluster activity city improvement, tourism and ecology were chosen. Companies in the field of city improvement will provide comfortable living conditions for the population. Planting the territory will contribute to improvement of the ecology of industrial city. Mariupol is located on the seafront and it is attractive for tourists. City improvement and solving environmental problems will increase the flow of tourists to the city, and the development of tourism will initiate the increase of small and medium businesses.

The socially oriented cluster will contribute to development of the infrastructure, improvement of the ecological state of environment, rational use of the resources, development of the communal economy and tourist potential, increase of the investment attractiveness, growth of the living standard and in general increase of competitiveness of the city of Mariupol.


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How to Cite

Melikhov, A., & Dyachenko, V. (2018). Social oriented cluster as an instrument for sustainable development of communal economy enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 47–52.


