I. Pouzanov. Modelling complex for analyzing the foreign trade impact on economic development.


  • Ігор Пузанов Інститут міжнародних відносин Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, Ukraine




econometric models, gravitational equations, balance's macroeconomic relations, system of national accounts, investments, private consumption, exogenous and endogenous variables, balance of payments, exports, imports, correlation-regression relations, target values.


The article is dedicated to the consideration of methodological issues of modeling and management of foreign trade processes and their use in forecasting of economic development. Econometric models are a multipurpose means of analyzing and forecasting specific economic processes and situations - from a detailed and multifaceted reproduction of the mechanism of the functioning of the national economy to determining market fluctuations, price indices or indicators of demand for individual goods. The instrumental basis of econometric models is reduced mainly to methods of mathematical statistics, which allow obtaining quantitative parameters of cause-effect and system-structural factors affecting each of the phenomena studied by other elements of the modeled economic system. It is concluded that the effectiveness of the use of econometric models depends, on the one hand, on the adequacy of the analytical choice of the set of factors determining the state and dynamics of each of the economic indicators under study, which describe the modeled object, on the other hand, on the correctness of determining the form and parameters of the communication between the elements of the object. 


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How to Cite

Пузанов, І. (2017). I. Pouzanov. Modelling complex for analyzing the foreign trade impact on economic development. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 14–26. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.133983


