Z. Frolova. Perfection’s of quality of administrative activity at the enterprises.


  • Зинаида Васильевна Фролова Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приазовский государственный технический университет», г.Мариуполь, Ukraine




management activities, management standards, management competence, control systems.


In the work the issues related to the quality of management activity are considered. Its main elements are singled out. It is noted that usually the quality of managerial activity is judged on the quality of managerial decisions. It is emphasized that management activities at enterprises form part of the management system, which they began to study relatively recently, although the practice of managing organizations has a long-standing roots. The estimation of historical aspects on development of standardization of control systems is made. It is shown that during the last decades the world standardization is increasingly aimed at the regulation of management systems and individual management tools, rather than on the definition of technical requirements for products or technologies. The emphasis was placed on the fact that the overall management activity in the organization consists of the management of the most management activities and the management of the servicing and production activities. It is noted that there are practically no specific standards for management activities, as well as monitoring systems for this activity in Ukraine. Data on the current state of affairs with the standardization of the main activities of Ukrainian enterprises are presented. Attention is drawn to the fact that the system of professional standards (NOS) is recognized as one of the best. It is noted that the main principle embodied in the standards is that high requirements to the effectiveness of management are vital for business and for the economic welfare of society as a whole. The emphasis is on the fact that management standards are the standard, the goal in improving management and allow the organization to clearly formulate the requirements for managers and their activities. Attention is drawn that the standard of management competence has been tested by practice and proved its applicability and usefulness. The work concludes that management activity at enterprises in Ukraine is studied relatively recently, therefore many elements of the management system have a different degree of development. The emphasis is placed on the fact that individual elements, such as professionalism of management personnel, development and implementation of solutions, need a new approach. It is noted that such approaches are professional standards of management and leadership, designed to improve the activities of managers.


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  2. 2. ДСТУ ISO 9004-2001. Системи управління якістю. Настанови щодо поліпшення діяльності. — К.: Держстандарт України, 2001.
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  4. 4. National Occupational Standards (NOS) for management and leadership [Электронный ресурс] // Free Management Library – Режим доступа : http://www.mba-ou.com.ua/cm/content/mba_program/structure/nos
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How to Cite

Фролова, З. В. (2017). Z. Frolova. Perfection’s of quality of administrative activity at the enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 180–184. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134261


