Mechanism of the Ukrainian innovative infrastructure development management under globalization conditions.


  • Yuliia Bocharova Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhayilo Tugan-Baranovsky (DonNUET), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



development management mechanism, innovation infrastructure, management principles, management system, state.


Mechanism of the Ukrainian innovative infrastructure development management under globalization conditions.

The mechanism of the Ukrainian innovative infrastructure development management under globalization conditions was identified, it’s scheme was presented, main elements and connections between them were defined in the article. It was found, that: 1) the mechanism of the innovative infrastructure development management is a complex system of institutions, goals, principles, methods, tools, determinants, planning stages and implementation of the transition of an innovation infrastructure from one state to another, more perfect, objectives of the state in this direction, ensuring its innovative development; 2) the purpose of innovation infrastructure development management is to create an effective and competitive innovation infrastructure integrated into the global chain of creating innovative value; 3) the system of institutions implementing state management of innovation infrastructure includes: the Verkhovna Rada, regional and district councils, representative bodies of local self-government, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, incl. first of all, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; 4) state management of innovation infrastructure development should be implemented on the following principles: inclusiveness, validity, relevance, continuity, polyvariance, directivity, transparency, cyclicity, evolutionary, scientific, economical, efficiency, complexity, systemic; 5) the main element of the mechanism of state management of innovation infrastructure in the long term is the system of strategic management of innovation infrastructure.


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How to Cite

Bocharova, Y. (2018). Mechanism of the Ukrainian innovative infrastructure development management under globalization conditions. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 147–153.


