Ecological-economic analysis and its influence on the formation of the state's innovation strategy.




ие инновации, реформирование природоохранного подхода, экологическое развитие, эффективность управления, эколого-экономические показатели, экономическая политика, эколого-экономическая устойчивость


The work analyzes the desire and the ability to achieve in any short time the economic benefits of enterprises in the industrial or social sectors or society as a whole primarily causes pollution of nature, which in turn leads to the destruction of the ecosystem, and as a consequence of the loss of part of GDP at the expense of expenditures. Analyzing the factors of the impact of economic growth on the state of the environment through the impact of human activities, it was found that almost all countries of the world were adopted preventive measures, namely, integrated environmental programs, the implementation of which involves the use of a multi-level system of measures. Thus, it can be argued that environmental protection is primarily a global problem, which is a consequence and an integral component of the economic development of any country in the world, and its global nature leads to the formation of common elements of a common environmental policy. In developing and implementing environmental policy, it should be consistent with the canons of economic policy, namely, implemented through indicators of environmental and economic analysis, assessment of natural resources, state of the environment indicators, assets of natural resources, primarily limited and non renewable resources. Environmental policy should be aimed at supporting the chosen course and the pace of economic growth by monitoring environment, stimulating economic and financial results, developing management mechanisms and creating an additional market of ecological and economic services for the purpose of implementation, distribution of energy-intensive technologies, non-waste or low-income industries at all levels. management from enterprise to state. The formation of innovation strategy includes the stages of analysis, goal setting, strategy development, the choice of the optimal option, and, finally, the creation of conditions for the implementation of the strategy. In the process of implementing an innovation strategy, in the development and implementation of measures and tactical plans, control can lead to a situation in which the implementation of innovation, as a high-risk activity in its essence, would run counter to the investment policy. This, in turn, can either worsen the financial position of the enterprise or lead to a rejection of the developed innovation strategy. Consequently, the stages of designing an innovation strategy should include analysis of the financial constraints identified by the chosen investment policy.



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How to Cite

Psareva, I., & Zakharenko, N. (2018). Ecological-economic analysis and its influence on the formation of the state’s innovation strategy. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 239–247.


